Memorial book presentation

Memorial book presentation


Präsentation Gedenkbuch
(f.r.t.l.) Pieter Dietz De Loos, Dr. Michael Roik, Dr. Max Mannheimer, Dr. Gabriele Hammermann, Albert Knoll

On April 29, 2011 the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site presented the result of an extensive research project, the Gedenkbuch für die Toten des Konzentrationslagers Dachau: years of research work has gone into compiling the names and other biographical data of those killed in the Dachau concentration camp and its subcamps for the memorial book. From a
death toll far exceeding 40,000, more than 33,000 victims from almost 40
nations could now be named – far more than was to be expected on the basis of the originally known sources. For the descendants and compatriots of the dead this is an acknowledgment of great importance. A digital version of the
memorial book can be consulted by all visitors at two media terminals in the
commemoration room.
