Dramatic Reading: “It all began with us. The first prisoners of the Dachau concentration camp 1933”
Dramatic Reading: “It all began with us. The first prisoners of the Dachau concentration camp 1933”
![](https://www.kz-gedenkstaette-dachau.de/wp-content/uploads/bilder/html/Foto Szenische Lesung-9fc0213d.jpg)
March 17 a dramatic reading on the first prisoners from 1933 of the Dachau concentration camp was held in Munich’s Schauburg theatre.
dramatic reading was devoted to the experiences of the first prisoners of the Dachau concentration camp
80 years ago. The Schauburg ensemble read in an impressive performance
recollections, letters, and accounts, lending the prisoners of 1933 a voice.
These were contrasted with official documents like transport lists, justice
files, and newspaper reports, which illustrated the process behind the
dismantling of the young Weimar
democracy, the establishment of the dictatorship, and the fate of the first
prisoners 80 years ago.
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Eiber, Dr. Gabriele Hammermann,
Dr. Andreas Heusler, and Friedbert Mühldorfer contributed greatly to the
conception with their scholarly advice – even today the first prisoners have
hardly been accorded a place in the collective memory; it was also important
for considering the impact their imprisonment had on their wives and children.
Numerous facets like the economic advantage the camp had for local businesses
or the courageous intervention of individual Germans were presented. Following
the performance Max Mannheimer read “the legacy of the survivors”. On the
strength of the positive resonance the dramatic reading is now included in the
Schauburg’s program and further repeat performances are being planned,
including at the Dachau Memorial Site.