Biography: Rudolf Heinrich Suttrop
Rudolf Heinrich Suttrop was born on July 17, 1911. He joined the SS in 1933 and the Nazi Party in 1937. Beginning in 1936 he was in the guard squads stationed in turn at the Sachsenburg and Buchemwald concentration camps. From September 1941 to May 1942 Suttrop was in charge of the adjutancy at the Groß Rosen concentration camp. He was then adjutant to Dachau commandants Alexander Piorkowski, Martin Gottfried Weiß, and Eduard Weiter. In this role Suttrop took care of the commandant’s official correspondence and the affairs of the commandant’s office personnel.

Rudolf Heinrich Suttrop in custody, 1945 - Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial

Rudolf Heinrich Suttrop in Internierungshaft, 1945 - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C., courtesy of Stuart McKeever
In November 1945 Suttrop stood trial before an American military court as part of the Dachau Main Trial. No individual offense could be proven. The court sentenced Suttrop to death within the framework of common design because of his involvement in the organization and running of the Dachau concentration camp. He was hung on May 28, 1946 in Landsberg prison.